I just renovated a site for a Geology professor who also happens to be a good friend. His old site contained a lot of information but hasn’t had an overhaul in many years. Here’s how I approached the project:

  • Port the site to a web-hosting firm and register a new domain name – His institution wasn’t providing support for personal websites, so we decided to go with an inexpensive hosting contract that would provide long-term stability and good customer service.
  • Set up the site in WordPress – WordPress is more flexible and powerful than the bare-bones software he was previously using for the site. As part of the rebuild, I trained him on how to maintain the site, a simple prospect with WordPress.
  • Restructure the site – The layout for renovated site is easy to navigate and more boldly showcases his research areas. The new site also has a responsive design, so it looks good on all screen sizes.
  • Edit the content – One target audience for the site is prospective students for a geology research program. A readability test indicated that the content needed to be made more accessible to this group so we worked together to make the content more web-friendly.
  • Add new functionality – An easy-to-maintain events list was added to the site so that colleagues and prospective students could see where he was traveling to present his research.

Here are some views of the new site and the old versions:

New Teaching Page A New Research Page
earthsci-info-teaching-new earthsci-info-research-new


Previous Teaching Page A Previous Research Page
earthsci-info-teaching-old earthsci-info-research-old

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