Web Hosting


I just renovated a site for a Geology professor who also happens to be a good friend. His old site contained a lot of information but hasn’t had an overhaul in many years. Here’s how I approached the project: Port the site to a web-hosting firm and register a new domain name – His institution wasn’t providing support for...


This project was done for Nottingham Gate Estates (NGE), a neighborhood association in Hudson, Ohio. The Nottingham Gate Estates website was a complete build. We started with domain name registration. Then we researched and recommending a hosting contract to fit NGE’s needs. After that was in place, we moved on to site design and content development. During the site’s installation...

What We’ve Been Up To Lately…

WordPress Site Embedded Videos Social Media Custom HTML/CSS Theme Update Performance Optimization Website Renovation Web Hosting Graphics New Layout Responsive Design Podcast Integration WordPress.com Site Photo Grid Domain Name Registration Content Editing New Website